Osteopathy For Children

Is it any different?

Osteopaths who are trained to treat children and infants usually use a more gentle treatment approach to this age group, specifically Cranial or Functional Osteopathy.

These techniques involve lighter touch, encouraging natural movement and rhythms of the body. It has been found effective in helping common infantile complaints such as colic, irritability, feeding and sleeping difficulties.

Our Osteopaths are more than happy to discuss further over the phone about whether this may be something that could help your little one before any commitment to a booking. We are here to help.

What age?

Our specialist Osteopaths have seen patients ranging from days old to right past 100 years, there is no age minimum or limit. We enjoy treating patients at both ends of the spectrum!

Case example

Little Leia came to see one of our Paediatric Osteopaths for colicky and unsettled symptoms, see the video opposite for the full story.