Love Your Liver Month
Our Love Your Liver window display!
The Liver has over 200 functions and is crucial to energy levels, fighting infection and filtering toxins from the blood.
Recently we have had patients who have been diagnosed out of the blue with Fatty Liver Disease, young patients in their 30’s and surprisingly very normal lifestyles.
1 in 3 adults are said to develop underlying liver disease, with it being the third biggest premature killer amongst the UK population. Our rates are higher than our European neighbours, so what are we doing wrong? How can you prevent being one of those statistics?
Alcohol intake - drink sensibly and ensure at least 2-3 consecutive days a week no alcohol
Live healthy - diet, exercise, water intake
Protect yourself from viral hepatitis, get tested if you’ve ever been at risk
Check out this clever screening tool to assess your risk and how you can make any changes advised: